based on history 意味

  • 過去{かこ}の経験{けいけん}に基づいて


  1. it was made for danjuro ichikawa (the ninth ), who invented stories based on history , so , it was made with complete fidelity of a real story
    活歴物を編み出した市川團十郎 (9代目)のために作られたので史実に忠実である。
  2. the genealogy of the emperor ' s family is made based on history books including the ' kojiki ' (a record of ancient matters ) and ' ninhonshoki ' (chronicles of japan ), and the origin is regarded as emperor jinmu , who was enthroned in 660 b .c ., and furthermore gods such as kuninotokotachi who are the progenitor of the emperors .


        based on true history:    《be ~》歴史的事実{れきしてき じじつ}に基づいている
        based upon history:    
        based upon true history:    
        history:     history n. 歴史, 歴史書, 来歴沿革; 経歴; (報告的な)話. 【動詞+】 affect the history of the world 世界の歴史に影響を及ぼす popular phrases that carry a history (意味は変遷しているが)昔から使われてきたなじみのある文句 an event that could ch
        history of:    ~の経歴
        in history:    in history 史上に しじょうに
        in the history of:    ~史上{しじょう}[の歴史上{れきしじょう}]で
        with a history of:    ~の歴史{れきし}[経歴{けいれき}?既往{きおう}]を持つ[がある]
        based:    {形-1} : 底のある、基底付きの、基地{きち}のある -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-2} : ~に拠点{きょてん}のある、~をベース[基礎{きそ}]にした◆複合語で
        based at:    《be ~》~に本拠地[本社]を置く
        based in:    《be ~》~を本拠(地){ほんきょ(ち)}としている
        based on:    based on に基づいて にもとづいて 準拠 じゅんきょ
        to be based on:    to be based on 即する そくする 基づく 基付く もとづく 踏まえる ふまえる
        (oral) history:    (oral) history 謂れ 謂われ いわれ
        (written) history:    (written) history 青史 せいし


  1. "based on findings of investigations by" 意味
  2. "based on gender discrimination" 意味
  3. "based on government policy" 意味
  4. "based on governmental regulations" 意味
  5. "based on hard evidence" 意味
  6. "based on hypothesis" 意味
  7. "based on ignorance" 意味
  8. "based on information amassed within the institution" 意味
  9. "based on information from" 意味
  10. "based on governmental regulations" 意味
  11. "based on hard evidence" 意味
  12. "based on hypothesis" 意味
  13. "based on ignorance" 意味

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